1 | From: Taylor, Jon (STFC,RAL,ISIS) |
2 | Sent: 11 January 2011 14:58 |
3 | To: Draper, Nick (-,RAL,ISIS) |
4 | Subject: RE: sofqw |
5 | |
6 | Follow Up Flag: Follow up |
7 | Flag Status: Flagged |
8 | |
9 | hi |
10 | the lamp routine is below, its in the lamp macro language... enjoy |
11 | cheers |
12 | Jon |
13 | ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
14 | --- |
15 | ;***************************************************************************** |
16 | *** |
17 | ; |
18 | FUNCTION sqw_rebin, w_in, dQ = dQ, Emin = Emin0, all_angles = all_angles, $ |
19 | pos_angles = pos_angles, neg_angles = neg_angles, $ |
20 | swap_QE = swap_QE, qb, em, ib |
21 | ; |
22 | ; For IN4, IN5, IN6, BRISP and D7 |
23 | ; |
24 | ;rebins output data from t2e and reb to regular-grid S(Q,w) data using the old |
25 | ;KHA IN6 rebin algorithm. Proper rebionning routine with error analysis |
26 | (unlike |
27 | ;sqw_interp.pro). |
28 | ; |
29 | ;ARGUMENTS: |
30 | ; dQ : Q bin width |
31 | ; Emin0: Minimum energy value (meV) - neutron energy gain is negative |
32 | ; |
33 | ;KEYWORDS (- only for D7 data) |
34 | ; /neg_angles : use only negative angles |
35 | ; /pos_angles : use only positive angles |
36 | ; /all_angles : use all angles (default) |
37 | ; input workspace must be in energy transfer versus scattering angle, |
38 | ; i.e. only one component or spin phase. |
39 | ; (qb, em and ib are obsolete, kept for backwards compatibility) |
40 | ; |
42 | ; w_in(nE,nphi) -> w_out(nQs,nEs) |
43 | ; |
45 | ; w10=spw_rebin(w9,dQ=<dQ>, |
46 | Emin=<Emin>[,/neg_angles][,/pos_angles][,/all_angles]) |
47 | ; |
48 | ; (optional keywords shown in square brackets) |
49 | ; |
50 | ; KHA,JRS 9/02/06 |
51 | ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
52 | --- |
53 | ;***************************************************************************** |
54 | *** |
55 | common c_lamp_access, inst |
56 | common grid, Qmin, Qmax, Emin, Emax |
57 | iprint = 0 ; if iprint>0, show debugging messages |
58 | IF iprint THEN PRINT,'Start sqw_rebin:' |
59 | take_datp, datp |
60 | ibank = 2 |
61 | IF N_ELEMENTS(qb) GT 0 THEN dQ = qb |
62 | IF N_ELEMENTS(em) GT 0 THEN Emin = em |
63 | IF N_ELEMENTS(ib) GT 0 THEN ibank = ib |
64 | IF KEYWORD_SET(pos_angles) THEN ibank = 1 |
65 | IF KEYWORD_SET(neg_angles) THEN ibank = 0 |
66 | IF KEYWORD_SET(all_angles) THEN ibank = 2 |
67 | IF KEYWORD_SET(swap_QE) THEN swap_QE = 1 ELSE swap_QE = 0 |
68 | no_small = 0 |
69 | IF (datp.y(0) GT 10.) AND (inst EQ 'IN4') THEN BEGIN |
70 | no_small = 1 |
71 | PRINT, 'SQW_rebin: IN4 data without small angle bank' |
72 | ENDIF |
73 | ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
74 | -- |
75 | ;Set up starting parameters |
77 | ii = WIDGET_MESSAGE('SQW_rebin: Error - dQ must be specified', /ERROR) |
78 | RETURN, w_in |
79 | ENDIF |
80 | |
81 | IF N_ELEMENTS(Emin0) NE 1 THEN Emin0=-1.E+10 |
82 | sw = SIZE(w_in) |
83 | IF iprint THEN PRINT,'SIZE(w_in) = ',sw |
84 | |
85 | IF sw(0) NE 2 THEN BEGIN |
86 | s = 'SQW_rebin: Error - input workspace must be 2-D: E vs. phi' |
87 | ii = WIDGET_MESSAGE(s, /ERROR) |
88 | RETURN, w_in |
89 | ENDIF |
90 | |
91 | nx = sw(1) |
92 | ny = sw(2) |
93 | IF iprint THEN PRINT,'nx=',nx,' ny=',ny |
94 | x_in = datp.x & sx = SIZE(x_in) |
95 | y_in = datp.y & sy = SIZE(y_in) |
96 | IF (nx NE sx(1)) OR (ny NE sy(1)) THEN BEGIN |
97 | s = 'SQW_rebin: sx = ' + STRTRIM(STRING(sx),2) + $ |
98 | ' sy = ' + STRTRIM(STRING(sy),2) |
99 | ii = WIDGET_MESSAGE(s, /ERROR) |
100 | RETURN, w_in |
101 | ENDIF |
102 | e_in = datp.e |
103 | se = SIZE(e_in) |
104 | IF (se(0) NE sw(0) OR se(1) NE sw(1) OR se(2) NE sw(2)) THEN e_in=w_in*0. |
105 | par=datp.p |
106 | IF iprint THEN PRINT,'Instrument = ',inst |
107 | IF (inst EQ 'D7') THEN lambda = par(4) ELSE lambda = par(21) |
108 | IF iprint THEN PRINT,'lambda = ',lambda,'A' |
109 | ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
110 | -------- |
111 | ; Set constants and prepare arrays for rebinning to regular Q-E grid |
112 | const1 = 5.22697 ; E(meV) = const1*V(m/ms)^2 |
113 | const2 = 2.07193571 ; E(meV) = const2*k(A^-1)^2 |
114 | const3 = 3.956076 ; V(m/ms) = const3/lambda(A) |
115 | const4 = 81.8066 ; E(meV) = const4/lambda(A)^2 |
116 | Ei = const4 / lambda^2 |
117 | ki = SQRT(Ei / const2) |
118 | y_in = y_in*!pi/180. ; convert to radians |
119 | nEps = nx + 1 |
120 | Eps = FLTARR(nEps) |
121 | Eps(0) = x_in(0) - (x_in(1) - x_in(0)) / 2. |
122 | Eps(1:nx-1) = (x_in(0:nx - 2) + x_in(1:nx - 1)) / 2. |
123 | Eps(nx) = x_in(nx - 1) + (x_in(nx - 1) - x_in(nx - 2)) / 2. |
124 | iEarr = WHERE(x_in GT Emin0) |
125 | Eps = Eps(iEarr(0):nx) |
126 | nEps = nx - iEarr(0) + 1 |
127 | Emin = Eps(0) |
128 | Emax = Eps(nEps - 1) |
129 | Qmin = 0 |
130 | max_y = MAX(y_in) |
131 | Qmax = SQRT((2.*Ei - Emin - 2.*SQRT(Ei*(Ei - Emin))*COS(max_y))/const2) |
132 | Qmax=MAX([Qmax,ki]) |
133 | IF iprint THEN PRINT,'x = ',x_in |
134 | IF iprint THEN PRINT,'iEarr(0) = ',iEarr(0),' nx = ',nx |
135 | IF iprint THEN PRINT,'Emin = ',Emin,' Emax=',Emax,' meV' |
136 | IF iprint THEN PRINT,'Eps = ',Eps |
137 | IF iprint THEN PRINT,'SQW_rebin: E-array prepared' |
138 | ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
139 | ;angle grid generation |
140 | nQ = FIX((Qmax - Qmin) / dQ) + 1 |
141 | w_out = FLTARR(nQ,nEps) |
142 | e_out = w_out - 1. |
143 | Q = Qmin + FLOAT(INDGEN(nQ))*dQ |
144 | IF iprint THEN PRINT,'Qmin = ', Qmin |
145 | IF iprint THEN PRINT,'Qmax = ', Qmax |
146 | IF iprint THEN PRINT,'nQ = ', nQ |
147 | IF iprint THEN PRINT,'Q = ', Q |
148 | IF iprint THEN PRINT,'y_in = ', y_in*180./!pi |
149 | IF inst EQ 'D7' THEN BEGIN |
150 | isort = SORT(y_in) |
151 | y_buf1 = y_in(isort) |
152 | w_buf1 = w_in(*,isort) |
153 | e_buf1 = e_in(*,isort) |
154 | i = WHERE(y_buf1 GT 0.,n) |
155 | |
156 | IF ibank EQ 2 THEN BEGIN |
157 | twice = 1 |
158 | iphi1 = 0 & iphi1next = i(0) |
159 | iphi2 = i(0) - 1 & iphi2next = ny - 1 |
161 | twice = 0 |
162 | IF ibank EQ 0 THEN BEGIN |
163 | iphi1 = 0 |
164 | iphi2 = i(0) - 1 |
166 | iphi1 = i(0) |
167 | iphi2 = ny - 1 |
168 | ENDIF |
169 | ENDELSE |
171 | twice = 0 |
172 | iphi1 = 0 & iphi2 = ny - 1 |
173 | ENDELSE |
174 | IF iprint THEN PRINT,'twice=',twice,' iphi1=',iphi1,' iphi2=',iphi2 |
175 | start: |
176 | IF inst EQ 'D7' THEN BEGIN |
177 | nphi = iphi2 - iphi1 + 2 |
178 | phi = FLTARR(nphi) |
179 | phi(0) = y_buf1(iphi1) - (y_buf1(iphi1 + 1) - y_buf1(iphi1)) / 2. |
180 | phi(1:nphi-2) = (y_buf1(iphi1:iphi2 - 1) + y_buf1(iphi1 + 1:iphi2)) / 2. |
181 | phi(nphi-1) = y_buf1(iphi2) + (y_buf1(iphi2) - y_buf1(iphi2 - 1))/2. |
182 | w_buf = w_buf1(iEarr,iphi1:iphi2) |
183 | e_buf = e_buf1(iEarr,iphi1:iphi2) |
184 | y_buf = y_buf1(iphi1:iphi2) |
185 | ENDIF ELSE IF (inst EQ 'IN4') AND (NOT no_small) THEN BEGIN |
186 | nphi = ny+2 |
187 | phi = FLTARR(nphi) |
188 | IF iprint THEN PRINT,'y_in=',y_in*180./!pi |
189 | i1=(WHERE(y_in GT 10.*!pi/180.))(0)-1 |
190 | phi(0) = y_in(0) - (y_in(1) - y_in(0)) / 2. |
191 | phi(1:i1) = (y_in(0:i1-1)+y_in(1:i1))/2. |
192 | phi(i1+1) = phi(i1)+(y_in(i1)-y_in(i1-1)) |
193 | phi(i1+3:nphi-2) = (y_in(i1+1:ny-2)+y_in(i1+2:ny-1))/2. |
194 | phi(i1+2) = phi(i1+3)-(y_in(i1+2)-y_in(i1+1)) |
195 | phi(nphi-1) = phi(nphi-2)+(y_in(ny-1)-y_in(ny-2)) |
196 | w_buf = [[w_in(iEarr,0:i1)],[0.*iEarr],[w_in(iEarr,i1+1:ny-1)]] |
197 | e_buf = [[e_in(iEarr,0:i1)],[0.*iEarr-1.],[e_in(iEarr,i1+1:ny-1)]] |
198 | y_buf = (phi(0:nphi-2)+phi(1:nphi-1))/2. |
199 | IF iprint THEN PRINT,' phi =',phi*180./!pi |
200 | IF iprint THEN FOR i=0,50 DO PRINT, i, phi(i)*180./!pi, y_in(i)*180./!pi |
202 | nphi = iphi2 - iphi1 + 2 |
203 | phi = FLTARR(nphi) |
204 | phi(0) = y_in(iphi1) - (y_in(iphi1 + 1) - y_in(iphi1)) / 2. |
205 | phi(1:nphi-2) = (y_in(iphi1:iphi2 - 1) + y_in(iphi1 + 1:iphi2)) / 2. |
206 | phi(nphi-1) = y_in(iphi2) + (y_in(iphi2) - y_in(iphi2 - 1))/2. |
207 | w_buf = w_in(iEarr,iphi1:iphi2) |
208 | e_buf = e_in(iEarr,iphi1:iphi2) |
209 | y_buf = y_in(iphi1:iphi2) |
210 | ENDELSE |
211 | COSphi = COS(phi) |
212 | |
213 | ; reverse array direction for negative angles |
214 | IF phi(0) LT 0. THEN BEGIN |
215 | w_buf = REVERSE(w_buf,2) |
216 | e_buf = REVERSE(e_buf,2) |
217 | y_buf = ABS(REVERSE(y_buf)) |
218 | phi = ABS(REVERSE(phi)) |
219 | COSphi= REVERSE(COSphi) |
220 | ENDIF |
221 | IF iprint THEN PRINT,'phi=',phi*180./!pi |
222 | IF iprint THEN PRINT,'End of "prepare angle arrays" section' |
223 | ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
224 | -------- |
225 | ; Rebin angles to constant Q grid |
226 | a = const2 ; E(meV)=a*Q(A**-1)**2 |
227 | iprint0 = iprint |
228 | oldymin = 0. |
229 | IF iprint THEN BEGIN |
230 | b='' |
231 | PRINT,'About to start rebinning. Hit return to continue' |
232 | READ, b |
233 | ENDIF |
234 | FOR iQ = 0,nQ - 1 DO BEGIN |
235 | Qmin = Q(iQ) - (dQ / 2.) |
236 | Qmax = Q(iQ) + (dQ / 2.) |
237 | Q00 = [Qmin, Qmin, Qmax, Qmax] |
238 | FOR iEps = 0, nEps - 2 DO BEGIN |
239 | Emin = Eps(iEps) |
240 | Emax = Eps(iEps + 1) |
241 | corrarea = dQ*(Emax - Emin) |
242 | Eps0 = [Emin, Emax, Emax, Emin] |
243 | COSphi0 = (2.*Ei - Eps0 - a*Q00^2) / (2.*SQRT(Ei*(Ei - Eps0))) |
244 | IF MAX(ABS(COSphi0)) GE 1. THEN GOTO, outside |
245 | phi0 = ACOS(COSphi0) |
246 | phimin = MIN(phi0) |
247 | phimax = MAX(phi0) |
248 | IF (phimax LT phi(0)) OR (phimin GT phi(nphi-1)) THEN GOTO, outside |
249 | iphi = WHERE(phi GT phimin AND phi LT phimax, nlines) |
250 | iphi0 = (iphi(0) - 1) > 0 |
251 | IF nlines EQ 0 THEN BEGIN |
252 | phimean = (phimin + phimax) / 2. |
253 | ip = WHERE(phi LT phimean, np) |
254 | iphi0 = ip(np - 1) |
255 | ENDIF |
256 | startrebin: Areasum = 0. |
257 | wsum = 0. |
258 | e2sum = 0. |
259 | phiminmeas = 7. |
260 | phimaxmeas = 0. |
261 | FOR iphi = iphi0,(iphi0 + nlines) < (nphi - 2) DO BEGIN |
262 | COSphi1 = COSphi(iphi) |
263 | COSphi2 = COSphi(iphi + 1) |
264 | COSphi0 = [COSphi1, COSphi1, COSphi2, COSphi2] |
265 | Q0 = SQRT((2.*Ei - Eps0 - 2.*SQRT(Ei*(Ei - Eps0))*COSphi0)/a) |
266 | area = OVERLAP(Q0, Eps0, iprint, oldymin) |
267 | IF area GT 0. THEN BEGIN |
268 | w = w_buf(iEps,iphi) |
269 | e = e_buf(iEps,iphi) |
270 | IF (w NE 0.) OR (e GE 0.) THEN BEGIN |
271 | areasum = areasum + area |
272 | wsum = wsum + area*w |
273 | e2sum = e2sum + (area*e)^2 |
274 | phiminmeas = phiminmeas < phi(iphi) |
275 | phimaxmeas = phimaxmeas > phi(iphi + 1) |
276 | ENDIF |
277 | ENDIF |
278 | ENDFOR |
279 | IF areasum NE 0. THEN BEGIN |
280 | w_out(iQ,iEps) = wsum / areasum |
281 | e_out(iQ,iEps) = SQRT(e2sum) / areasum |
282 | GOTO, binned |
283 | ENDIF |
284 | outside: w_out(iQ,iEps) = 0. |
285 | e_out(iQ,iEps) = -1. |
286 | GOTO, nextpoint |
287 | binned: |
288 | p1 = phimin > phiminmeas |
289 | p2 = phimax < phimaxmeas |
290 | IF p2 - p1 LT (phimax - phimin)/2. THEN BEGIN |
291 | w_out(iQ,iEps) = 0. |
292 | e_out(iQ,iEps) = -1. |
293 | ENDIF |
294 | nextpoint: |
295 | ENDFOR |
296 | ENDFOR |
297 | iprint = iprint0 |
298 | IF iprint THEN PRINT,'End of rebinning' |
299 | IF twice THEN BEGIN |
300 | IF (iphi1 EQ 0) THEN BEGIN |
301 | w_out1 = w_out |
302 | e_out1 = e_out |
303 | iphi1 = iphi1next |
304 | iphi2 = iphi2next |
305 | GOTO, start |
307 | ;take weighted averages of negative and positive banks for D7 |
308 | w_out2 = w_out |
309 | e_out2 = e_out |
310 | w_out = 0. |
311 | e_out = 0. |
312 | not1 = WHERE(e_out1 LE 0.,n1) |
313 | IF n1 NE 0 THEN e_out1(not1) = 1. |
314 | not2 = WHERE(e_out2 LE 0.,n2) |
315 | IF n2 NE 0 THEN e_out2(not2) = 1. |
316 | w_out = (w_out1/e_out1^2 + w_out2/e_out2^2) / (1./e_out1^2 + 1./e_out2^2) |
317 | e_out = 1./SQRT(1./e_out1^2 + 1./e_out2^2) |
318 | IF n1 NE 0 THEN e_out1(not1) = -1. |
319 | IF n2 NE 0 THEN e_out2(not2) = -1. |
320 | IF n1 NE 0 THEN BEGIN |
321 | w_out(not1) = w_out2(not1) |
322 | e_out(not1) = e_out2(not1) |
323 | ENDIF |
324 | IF n2 NE 0 THEN BEGIN |
325 | w_out(not2) = w_out1(not2) |
326 | e_out(not2) = e_out1(not2) |
327 | ENDIF |
328 | ENDELSE |
329 | ENDIF |
330 | IF iprint THEN PRINT,'End of rebinning section' |
331 | ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
332 | -------- |
333 | ;Chop off superfluous bits |
334 | i = WHERE(e_out GT -1.,n) |
335 | IF iprint THEN PRINT, n, ' non-zeroed points' |
336 | checkQ2: |
337 | iw0 = WHERE(w_out(nQ - 1,*) EQ 0., nw0) |
338 | ie0 = WHERE(e_out(nQ - 1,*) EQ -1., ne0) |
339 | IF (nw0 EQ nEps) AND (ne0 EQ nEps) THEN BEGIN |
340 | nQ = nQ - 1 |
341 | w_out = w_out(0:nQ - 1,*) |
342 | e_out = e_out(0:nQ - 1,*) |
343 | Q = Q(0:nQ - 1) |
344 | GOTO, checkQ2 |
345 | ENDIF |
346 | checkEps1: |
347 | iw0 = WHERE(w_out(*,0) EQ 0., nw0) |
348 | ie0 = WHERE(e_out(*,0) EQ -1., ne0) |
349 | IF (nw0 EQ nQ) AND (ne0 EQ nQ) THEN BEGIN |
350 | nEps = nEps - 1 |
351 | w_out = w_out(*,1:nEps) |
352 | e_out = e_out(*,1:nEps) |
353 | Eps = Eps(1:nEps) |
354 | GOTO, checkEps1 |
355 | ENDIF |
356 | checkEps2: |
357 | iw0 = WHERE(w_out(*,nEps - 1) EQ 0., nw0) |
358 | ie0 = WHERE(e_out(*,nEps - 1) EQ -1., ne0) |
359 | IF (nw0 EQ nQ) AND (ne0 EQ nQ) THEN BEGIN |
360 | nEps = nEps - 1 |
361 | w_out = w_out(*,0:nEps - 1) |
362 | e_out = e_out(*,0:nEps - 1) |
363 | Eps = Eps(0:nEps - 1) |
364 | GOTO, checkEps2 |
365 | ENDIF |
366 | IF iprint THEN PRINT,'End of chopping section' |
367 | ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
368 | -------- |
369 | ;Return parameters and exit |
370 | IF NOT swap_QE THEN BEGIN |
371 | datp.y_tit = datp.x_tit |
372 | datp.x_tit = 'Wavevector Transfer (A!U-1!N)' |
373 | MOD_DATP, datp, "x", Q |
374 | MOD_DATP, datp, "y", x_in(iEarr) |
376 | w_out = TRANSPOSE(w_out) |
377 | e_out = TRANSPOSE(e_out) |
378 | datp.y_tit = 'Wavevector Transfer (A!U-1!N)' |
379 | MOD_DATP, datp, "x", x_in(iEarr) |
380 | MOD_DATP, datp, "y", Q |
381 | ENDELSE |
382 | MOD_DATP, datp, "e", e_out |
383 | PRINT, FORMAT = '("Sqw_Rebin: Rebinned to constant Q-w: dQ=",F4.2," A-1")', |
384 | dQ |
385 | s = STRTRIM(STRING(FLOAT(dQ)),2) & dQ = string_round(s) |
386 | s = ' -sr(dQ=' + dQ |
387 | IF Emin0 GT -9.E+09 THEN BEGIN |
388 | Emin = STRTRIM(STRING(FIX(Emin0)),2) |
389 | s = s + ',emin='+Emin |
390 | ENDIF |
391 | CASE ibank OF |
392 | 0: bs = '/neg)' |
393 | 1: bs = '/pos)' |
394 | 2: bs = '/all)' |
395 | ENDCASE |
396 | IF inst EQ 'D7' THEN s = s + bs ELSE s = s + ')' |
397 | datp.other_tit = datp.other_tit + s |
398 | GIVE_DATP, datp |
399 | finished: |
400 | RETURN, w_out |
401 | END |
402 | |
403 | ________________________________________ |
404 | From: Draper, Nick (-,RAL,ISIS) [nick.draper@stfc.ac.uk] |
405 | Sent: 11 January 2011 13:34 |
406 | To: Taylor, Jon (STFC,RAL,ISIS) |
407 | Subject: RE: sofqw |
408 | Jon, |
409 | Thanks for this. I was right on the phone when I said that this had been |
410 | created for indirect instruments where they have so much less data that it is |
411 | hard to spot any effect of this bug. |
412 | I'll raise a ticket to look at the lack of curvature on the lower boundary |
413 | (http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2214). If you can drag anything |
414 | out from lamp that would be appreciated for the rebinning. |
415 | For swapping the axes you could try the Transpose algorithm. |
416 | Regards, |
417 | Nick Draper |
418 | |
419 | -----Original Message----- |
420 | From: Taylor, Jon (STFC,RAL,ISIS) |
421 | Sent: 11 January 2011 11:39 |
422 | To: Draper, Nick (-,RAL,ISIS) |
423 | Subject: sofqw |
424 | hi |
425 | I've attached a pic of what mslice produces for modQ for MARI and the output |
426 | from the sofqw algorithm. at low Q one should see a curved trajectory for the |
427 | detector group rather than a horizontal one. |
428 | Do you know if its possible to rotate the axis in mantid plot (a minor niggle) |
429 | the rebin is a finer correction as for a fist approximation a simple rebin |
430 | works OKish i will dig the ILL code from lamp out which does the full |
431 | treatment. |
432 | cheers |
433 | jon |
434 | |
435 | |
436 | ________________________________________ |
437 | From: Draper, Nick (-,RAL,ISIS) [nick.draper@stfc.ac.uk] |
438 | Sent: 11 January 2011 13:34 |
439 | To: Taylor, Jon (STFC,RAL,ISIS) |
440 | Subject: RE: sofqw |
441 | |
442 | Jon, |
443 | |
444 | Thanks for this. I was right on the phone when I said that this had been |
445 | created for indirect instruments where they have so much less data that it is |
446 | hard to spot any effect of this bug. |
447 | |
448 | I'll raise a ticket to look at the lack of curvature on the lower boundary |
449 | (http://trac.mantidproject.org/mantid/ticket/2214). If you can drag anything |
450 | out from lamp that would be appreciated for the rebinning. |
451 | |
452 | For swapping the axes you could try the Transpose algorithm. |
453 | |
454 | Regards, |
455 | Nick Draper |
456 | |
457 | |
458 | -----Original Message----- |
459 | From: Taylor, Jon (STFC,RAL,ISIS) |
460 | Sent: 11 January 2011 11:39 |
461 | To: Draper, Nick (-,RAL,ISIS) |
462 | Subject: sofqw |
463 | |
464 | hi |
465 | I've attached a pic of what mslice produces for modQ for MARI and the output |
466 | from the sofqw algorithm. at low Q one should see a curved trajectory for the |
467 | detector group rather than a horizontal one. |
468 | Do you know if its possible to rotate the axis in mantid plot (a minor niggle) |
469 | the rebin is a finer correction as for a fist approximation a simple rebin |
470 | works OKish i will dig the ILL code from lamp out which does the full |
471 | treatment. |
472 | cheers |
473 | jon |